Saturday 30 December 2006

The rhythm, the beat, the melody.

Tonight I was listening to a song and I started whistling along with the solo. I knew absolutely every note that was played, every change in beat, just, everything. My friend said that to me, "you know every note!" It was almost without thinking, and it wasn't that I'd heard that song so many times. I just knew. And it's not just with that song either. Remember the song Wherever, Whenever that was released by Shakira? I heard it playing on Rage, and I loved it, but I thought it was an old song, because I could have sworn I'd been listening to it for years. Turns out it had only just been released. It makes me think that there are some songs that you just connect with, that you just know. It's hard to explain exactly what I mean, but I'm trying!
It makes me wonder if anyone else gets this feeling.

There are also some songs that just absolutely touch your heart, that you just think are beautiful. This may seem strange, but Dilemma, which was released by Nelly and Kelly (gosh that sounds silly) was one of those songs for me. More recently, there's a song by Israel Kamakawiwo Ole' which is a kind of medley of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and What a Wonderful World that really...touches my heart, as corny as that sounds. I listen to it, and it brings me to tears, or it just lulls me, until I find myself sitting here with my eyes closed, without even realising.

You know how people get sick of songs? A song that used to evoke so much emotion in you suddenly sounds boring. I think that may be because the song has had a kind of carthartic effect. Once you have listened to the song enough, all the emotion is released, and the song no longer has the same meaning. But it's still really special if a song can do that. And...I think it can.

An introduction

Hi, I'm Peyton, I'm sixteen and I'm from Australia.
I'm the girl with writing on her hand and a lacky round her wrist.
I love sport, all sports! but I've played netball for eight years and volleyball for a couple.
Chemistry is my thing.
I love my friends, and I like most people.
Memories are precious to me, and I find it hard to throw anything away!
I like basically any type of music.
My parents are divorced, but I'm lucky, I still have a fantastic family.
Rowdy is my dog, he's a bichon frise and he counts as a family member. I absolutely love him!
I'm petite.
The subjects I've chosen for year 12 are Physics, Chemistry, PE Studies, Ancient History, English Lit and Applicable Mathematics.
It's when I'm in the shower and laying awake at night that I think the most. Haha, it's true.
I always have and always will barrack for the WCEagles! Premiers of '07!
It takes a lot to make me dizzy.
I work my butt off at school, and other things.
I have issues with the letter c.
Israel Kamakawiwo sung an amazing song-'Somewhere Over The Rainbow." Look it up and listen!
I have been to Europe and I'd love to go again.
Cadbury Milk Chocolate Topping + Coles Ultimate Cookies are the best!
It seems romantic to cry, until you have something real to cry about.
I never give up-there's always a way.
"Adults see the reasons why something can't be done, children see why it can be."
I consider myself to be a very lucky person, but I agreed with my Dad when he said that to a certain extent people make their own luck.
I save the best for last.
Global warming scares me, as it should.
I love the way people describe someone as "stunning" rather than "pretty", and everyone understands the difference, even if you can't explain it properly.
I want to be taken seriously.
I'm not totally sure why I decided to start blogging.
So, that's an introduction.
...that I've realised is probably, a bit more, than just an introduction.
Also, my actual name is not Peyton. I just don't want any of my friends to know that I am the one writing this blog. Then again, if they read this introduction and couldn't tell it was me, that would be a cause for concern.